Borne Clothing Impact Report

2021 Impact Report

Thanks to the hundreds of people who got behind our mission over the past year, we’ve just been able to make our very first donation of $2000AUD to United To Beat Malaria. Our first donation will put insecticide-treated bed-nets, medications, malaria testing kits, and a whole bunch of other good and important tools in the hands of the people who need them the most.
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital
It’s World Mosquito Day - here’s what you need to know.

It’s World Mosquito Day - here’s what you need to know.

A quick history lesson. On the 20th of August 1897, Sir Ronald Ross made a groundbreaking discovery – the parasite that carries malaria, p.falciparum, used mosquitos as a vector to...
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital
Tags: Malaria
Two african women smile at the camera, one is holding a child

World Refugee Day

Last year, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees counted the total number of forcibly displaced persons around the world as a staggering 82.4 million people. That’s more than three times the entire population of Australia!
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital
Tags: Malaria
A market stall to end malaria? Check it out!

A market stall to end malaria? Check it out!

We’ve hit the road! Since the start of 2021, we’ve been to a good handful markets around Newcastle, and have had the good fortune of engaging in hundreds of great...
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital
How El Salvador eradicated malaria, and what we can do next

How El Salvador eradicated malaria, and what we can do next

After a long year that was short on good news, the beginning of 2021 has offered some hope in the world of mosquito-borne disease: El Salvador has been declared officially malaria free by the World Health Organisation!
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital
Tags: Malaria WHO
Planting a seed

Planting a seed

In 2018, a child was dying from malaria every two minutes. To put that into perspective, this post will take from 4-6 minutes to read.
June 29, 2022 — Bal Dhital