2021 Impact Report
Thanks to the hundreds of people who got behind our mission over the past year, we’ve just been able to make our very first donation of $2000AUD to United To Beat Malaria. Our first donation will put insecticide-treated bed-nets, medications, malaria testing kits, and a whole bunch of other good and important tools in the hands of the people who need them the most.
It’s World Mosquito Day - here’s what you need to know.
A quick history lesson. On the 20th of August 1897, Sir Ronald Ross made a groundbreaking discovery – the parasite that carries malaria, p.falciparum, used mosquitos as a vector to...
World Refugee Day
Last year, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees counted the total number of forcibly displaced persons around the world as a staggering 82.4 million people. That’s more than three times the entire population of Australia!
A market stall to end malaria? Check it out!
We’ve hit the road! Since the start of 2021, we’ve been to a good handful markets around Newcastle, and have had the good fortune of engaging in hundreds of great...
How El Salvador eradicated malaria, and what we can do next
After a long year that was short on good news, the beginning of 2021 has offered some hope in the world of mosquito-borne disease: El Salvador has been declared officially malaria free by the World Health Organisation!
Planting a seed
In 2018, a child was dying from malaria every two minutes. To put that into perspective, this post will take from 4-6 minutes to read.